itTables is a robust, multidimensional software AddOn that lets you build custom tables and define relationships between Contacts, Companies, and Groups in ACT! 2008 v10.0.02 or later. With custom tables, you can talior your ACT! database to meet your business needs with greater ease and efficiency than ever before possible.
- Works for ACT! 2008 (10.02/3) and later - Standard, Premium, and Web
- Functions within ACT! - no need to navigate between programs
- Full synchronization enabled
- No programming required - just click your way to custmized tables and defined relationships
- Searches multiple groups without duplicate entries
- Allows you to send messages to multiple groups without duplicate entries
- Lets you find the contacts you wish to reach quickly, efficiently, and without duplication
Custom Tables:
- Create an unlimited number of functional, manageable "one-to-many" table-format tabs for Contacts, Companies and Groups
- Manage the information you need to suit your business's demands
- Search within tables and filter results for superior lookup precision
- Apply user-created lists as drop downs for table input
- View and edit table data in multiple layouts
- Choose whether a custom table may be accessed by all users or just the table creator
- Combine with our other AddOns for additional layers of functionality:
itImport - import and merge data into your custom tables itExport - export custom table data in many formats - HTML, .mht, PDF, RTF, text, .xls
- Easily define relationships between Contacts, Companies, and Groups in ACT!
- Link Contacts, Companies, and Groups without merging Histories or affecting Activites
- Navigate smoothly between related Contacts, Companies, or Groups using the backward link feature
Never before has it been so simple to record, organize, and track large amounts of data in your ACT! database. Contact your reseller of a GL Computing representative today to learn how you can leverage the power of database customization with itTables for ACT!