AutoAdmin 2010 for ACT! by Sage 2010 effortlessly backs up and maintains all your ACT! data on a schedule you control, so you know you're protected from disastrous data loss and costly interruptions. AutoAdmin is the #1 unattended administration software that ACT! administrators, ACCs and ACT! users have counted on for years to ensure their valuable ACT! data is safe and healthy.
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In just a few minutes, you can have peace of mind knowing all your workgroup and remote ACT! data are securely backed up on a regular schedule that requires no user intervention. Every morning you'll get a brief e-mail message confirming that all your valuable databases were backed up and tuned up, so you'll always know your data is safe and healthy. Large workgroup databases can be maintained and backed up after hours. For extra reliability, backups can be saved offsite to your password-protected "FTP server" with no extra effort. AutoAdmin is the most powerful and effortless tool for making sure you can recover quickly from data disasters.
"Your incredible product is not only a time-saver but a life saver. Our ACT! server crashed on us and thanks to AutoAdmin we had a copy from earlier that day backed up on our network...I took that backup and extracted it in a new directory on another data server and we were back up and running in less then 10-minutes." |